Possum Ambassador Panda

Panda came to Awesome Possumz in the summer of 2021. She was three months old and had been found by herself in someone’s yard. It was quite a surprise when she arrived as she was jet black (not uncommon in possums) and had a very thin coat. Within a couple of days, a minor head tremor was detected so she went to the Richmond Wildlife Center for a check-up. The wildlife vet determined that she had a mild neurological condition and he was concerned that her thin fur was a result of a thyroid issue. The neurological issue made her non-releasable so Awesome Possumz became her permanent home. The prognosis on her health? Watch and wait. With a good diet her fur slowly began to get thicker and within a couple of months she sprouted the most amazing solid white undercoat, with the long, black fur above it. Her neurological issues began to lessen and it is the hope that she will grow out of it completely. She is a wonderful example of the surprises that nature sometimes gives us. Her small size and friendly, happy demeanor are proof that good things really do come in small packages!