Former Possum Ambassador Bobbi Sue

Bobbi Sue passed away in March 2023. She was my first girl and first nubby butt and she'll be missed forever!
She came to me from another rehabber in November 2019 when she was about four months old. She is non-releasable due to having lost all but an inch of her tail. The details surrounding the tail loss are not known, as it happened prior to the other rehabber acquiring her.
Opossums have prehensile tails, meaning they use them like a fifth limb (like monkeys), and their tails are essential for balance, climbing and gathering/carrying bedding and nesting materials. In the wild little Bobbi Sue wouldn’t have been able to make herself a nice warm bed during the cold Virginia winters.
She is very much her own little opossum, and tasks such as grooming and nail trims often come with attempted nips to my fingers. She is a wonderful ambassador though, and has helped me to educate many people not only about opossums, but also about the power of resiliency and the importance of focusing on what you do have…and not dwelling on what you don’t.